Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Devil Wears Prada Contest

A little game/contest to make up for the lack of posts in the past few days (I've been terribly busy getting ready for Portobello West):
Find the most perfume references in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" and win a fashionably smelly surprise gift package... This clip from the opening has some, but if you have the entire movie you may find more perfumes visually mentioned...

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At June 26, 2007 2:01 AM, Blogger helg said...

What a fun contest!!
You know I love to find perfume refs in movies ;-)

However I haven't watched this one. So, judging from clips, I find the Prada atomiser (shown twice! in the cabinet and in Stanely Tucci's office on the wall). Also is it a bottle of Curve/Clairborne (or similar drugstore frag) in Anne's cabinet? I guess they didn't want to point that out clearly, but if one does see it it makes a nice juxtaposition with the other girls' upscale choices.

There is also a perfume that Anne Hathaway gives to a guy at the dinner (he brushes his wrists together testing it)and it looks like Pink Sugar!

I vaguely recall Fracas being mentioned at the head editor's (MS)office/purse/whatever....although I think she wore Bulgari Femme in the book.

At November 08, 2007 10:14 AM, Blogger Ayala Moriel said...

Helg, as usual you can find more visuals than anybody else, including me! You won the contest single handedly ;)
What I found was only three - in the opening credits part there is obviously Prada, but also Miss Dior Cherie. And than there is a part with the ad for Jean-Paul Gautier's Fragile.
Thanks for all the other discoveries! You'll find a little package in your mail soon :)


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